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Activities at Nationals

Subject: Activities at Nationals
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 16:19:45 EDT
<<From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Subject: national's events
Speaking of the talent show, are there any "must-do's" at nationals?

Since this is going to be my first nationals, what events or social
gatherings should I plan on attending?  What night are they and where
are they held?

I'll be in Topeka from the Thursday before nationals until the Friday of
race week.>>

(Out of digest mode)
I absolutely cannot believe that none of you folks have clued Eric into the 
Wednesday night snipe hunt.
    Eric; on behalf of all of us that do not do the "Baby Dolls" thing, I 
invite you to the 5th annual snipe hunt 
    You do not need to bring the Glock.
    Burlap bags provided.
    I'll drive =8-).

BS Holden
DSP Omni

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