Paul Zar, Tsar, Cezar, Czarnecki writes:
> Besides, the T-Shirt is
> very cool indeed, inverse negativity indeed!
Yep, right out of Huck's Fertile (some have said furtive) mind...
And, once again, the folks at Huck & CHuck will purvey fine apparel!!! We've
thought about reducing the offerings, and also being able to ship the
products to you! Will wonders never cease?
Will anyone be really torn up if we skip straw hats for a year? How about
Polo shirts? So far, it looks like we'll be doing black baseball hats with
our cool logo embroidered in white, and tee shirts (Huck wants black, I'm
trying to persuade him to do something in navy or burgundy or...
Well, our ears (and maybe our minds) are open... Let us know what you want...