Three seconds? Three seconds back? If that happens I'm gonna sell the
Dude, I think you missed the point! In C-Mod we can't take somone with us!
Fords(single seat car) You can barely pry a 220lb man into it! My March-Apache
Sports 2000 isn't much better. The whole mentor thing is a great idea but
after a few events the new guy has got to do it from within. The support of
the "Pro-Jocks" really comes into play then. You can only be a "New guy" so
long then you
have to wing it on your own and see what happens. After the "Jocks" have seen
you try to go fast on your own and make lots of really stupid mistakes is
when their
help will come in handy. Just givivng some new guy a warm fuzzy feeling for a
few weeks won't cut it. I could go on for ever about all this. I'm just
thankful that I meet some local guys that understood that I wasn't afraid to
"SUCK" to try to go faster.
Sometimes thats what it takes! (Well I keep telling myself that anyway)
Mike B. TLS#1