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DTN Nomination

Subject: DTN Nomination
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 09:18:37 -0700
Dear Katie:

You truly are the "Ace" when it comes to writing, M'Dear!  I was touched by your
posting nominating me for DTN, so much so that I'd even vote for me after
reading it, and I KNOW what a scoundrel I really am.  Thank you for the kind
words, and thank you Team.Net for considering l'il ol' me for DTN.  Funny you
should mention STARTING a British car.  Last little adventure I had, I turned
the key to move Lucretia and load up for next day's AX.  Nothing.  Took the
steering column covers off, and little widgets and frabbistats fell out on the
floor.  (That's a BAD THING!)  Ignition switch had taken a major dump.  (It's
only 29 years old!)  Can you say "Hot wire"?  Or "Alligator clip"?  Made it to
the event next morning.  Try THAT with one o' them new-fangled computerized

As for my being an autocross "Monument", Katie, were you trying to say something
about the speeds I generate???  As in "almost as fast as a statue of Robert E
Lee?"  Furthermo' if I accept the classification of "Monument" do I have to let
pigeons....  Never mind, let's not go there.

 I don't have the pleasure of knowing the other nominees, but I'd be willing to
bet they are great choices for the selection as well.  I'm honored to be
nominated, and I'd be thrilled to get to go to Nationals, with Lucretia MacEvil
(she runs in D/SP by the way).  My friend Phil V said it best, when I mentioned
NOT taking the B, "Would Arthur go on a Crusade without the singing sword?  I
think not."  Besides that, my very presence there with the MGB would totally
'PO' all the REALLY serious drivers.  How can I resist?

Special Note to Mike B and Eric L:  NINES???  MAGNUMS???  Sissy boys.  My choice
is a 12 GA, pump action.  Point and spray and hope you hit sumpin'... sorta like
the way I drive.

Katie, and Team.Net, sincerely, Thank you.  May the best 'Netter win!

JD Kemp &
"Lucretia MacEvil" #13 MGB

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