2 other solutions to this mess have been proposed, so I'll include them (with
comments) for completeness.
- Create a new, "turbo only" SP class, and let 'em do whatever they want, where
they can't hurt anybody else.
On the surface, this is a very tempting idea. _Very_ tempting. However, it
suffers from the problem of "not all turbo cars are created equal" any more
than all non-turbo cars are - a DSM is not a Twin Turbo Supra or RX-7TTR - and
there's no way to make it perform like one when the same rules apply to all 3
OK, so create a "Turbo A" and "Turbo B" - except now what about the GLH guys,
the Colt guys, and despite being made of "turbonium" I strongly doubt a New
Beetle Turbo could hang with a DSM... so create a "Turbo C" class... and hey,
isn't this getting a little silly? Especially when 5 years from now someone
recognises that "Turbo A" and "ASP" have the same PAX, so why not consolidate
- Grandfather the DSM 14b backdate
I like this. It's fair to everyone, it gets the job done for the SEB, and it
lets everyone get back to racing. I can't see anyone getting hurt by doing this.
However, I'm doubtful that the SEB would even consider it, as you wind up with a
car-specific rule on the books, and that's poison to the SEB. Now I think that
DSMs have a good a case for grandfathering as one could ever hope for (we were
open about this from the beginning, no sneaking around, we all attempted -
perhaps the wrong way, but we tried - to get Denver blessing _before_ we started
etc.) but I'm concerned the SEB is afraid of the message they might send.
"Get Howard to answer a question the "right" way, get a whole lot of people to
do it, and howl long and hard if they try and recind it, and you can get
anything you want on the books"
I could imagine the "subframe connector" contingent being resentful -
understandably so - if we got grandfathered.
It strikes me as probably the easiest way out of this hole though.