I faxed in my entry today to beat the late charge.. so I'm going!! woo
hoo... Thanks everyone for helping me, the lady at the national office was
too cool, they said I can renew my membership at the event and all WOW...
Now here comes the kicker, I am ready to go to this event, the rubber is
mounted on wheels but MA is a little far to drive on race rubber.. and If
anyone has seen me drive with the tires in the car they know it's tight..
Will anybody be leaving from, or driving through Philadelphia area with
enough room in a car or trailer to get my tires up there? I am willing to
pay. I can stuff the tires in the car but it's not super safe for a long
drive like that..
also anyone looking to share the cost of a room, I am also.
Thanks everyone Looking forward to meeting all of you
Jeff Lloyd