I'm going a little off topic here, and I'll admit I have zero auto-x experience
(weather destroyed
asphalt (Brodie Mt. MA), Mother's Day and torrential downpours have nixed my
three attempts thus
I'm driving a 96 Integra GSR now. I've tinkered with the power enough to put me
into CSP and I know
I'll get whupped but I don't care about that. I've been thinking of switching
to a new Mustang
Cobra. (In which I will still get whupped, zero seat time). Am I, as a guy who
sees 8000rpm
regularly and likes to squeel the tires through turns ---
(side note: everyone's tire pressure advice was correct. I took my commute's
off ramp at a new
record speed with the tires squeeling like never before and it felt stable, I
was wrong about the
loss of stability with higher pressure)
--- going to enjoy the new Cobra as much?
Greg Holden