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Re: Does Honda have a Contingency program?

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Does Honda have a Contingency program?
From: "Jamie Sculerati" <>
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 08:20:01 -0500
-----Original Message-----
From: <>

>i have heard for auto-x that honda has recently formed a contingency
>does anybody have info about this? thanks in advance.

It's not new, but the details are:

Honda Contingencies

Administered and paid by SCCA
9033 East Easter Place
Englewood, CO 80112
303/694-3654 Fax
Contact: Kimberly Nelson

REGISTRATION: Pre-registration is NOT required; however a W-9 will be
forwarded from SCCA upon initial award and must be completed prior to

REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL AWARDS: Competitors must compete with a Honda or Acura
automobile which displays the approved decals in the center of the front
bumper and on the rear quarter of each side of the vehicle. Decals are
available by calling American Honda directly (310) 783-3177.

ELIGIBLE CLASSES: All classes; ProSolo ProSeries and NationalSeries.

ProSolo ProSeries/NationalSeries PER EVENT, PER CLASS:
Five or more competitors:
First in class - $150 (Pro/Nat'l)
Second in class - $100
Third in class - $50

ProSolo ProSeries/ProLadies, NationalSeries CHALLENGE:
First overall - $500

ProSolo ProSeries /ProLadies, NationalSeries YEAR-END CLASS CHAMPION:
First in class - $1,500

ProSolo ProSeries, ProLadies, NationalSeries OVERALL Champion:
First in class - $1,500

Tire Rack SCCA Solo II National Championships, PER CLASS:
Five or more competitors:
First in class - $500
Second in class - $300
Third in class - $100

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