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Re: Street Tire Ideas....Time To Do It

Subject: Re: Street Tire Ideas....Time To Do It
From: Scott & Glenda Meyers <>
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 08:54:45 -0700 wrote:
> In a message dated 5/12/99 10:02:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time, GSMnow writes:
> << It looks like you feel you are getting the short end of the stick because
> HStock has been getting so fast lately.  >>
> Hard as it is for people to believe, it is not just the fact that the PAX has
> been going in a direction that has had a negative impact on my autox effort.
> It is just the fact that it changes constantly with no relation to what has
> happened here.

Ok. I'll take a stab at this.

In our area (Phoenix Arizona), we have very healthy PAX, PAX/L, Street Tire
1 & 2 & L, and Novice 1 & 2 & L classes. These are ALL indexed classes based
upon PAX numbers. In fact, they outnumber our Open SCCA classes. As PAX
numbers have
evolved, the classes continue to be popular. People just accept the new
conditions and move on.

For a glimpse, go to:

We use a Series of four events to determine trophies. Series points are PAX
points i.e., 967, and by using those one can take a glimpse back and have some
gauge as to general improvement over time. Key word here is "general".

While not perfect, the PAX numbers are very workable under our circumstances.
They allow us to provide a competitive situation for many who would otherwise
have no chance. Some of our most enthusiastic people are in the indexed classes.

Surface conditions, course design, run group order (virgin dirty surface
typically in run group 1), and tire choices are FAR greater variables than
caused by a few thousandths of a point in PAX numbers. Did I mention driving 

If your system in your area is not working for you, take all of the ideas
offered here (throughout the whole thread) and design one that will fit your
area. Have a meeting of your Solo 2 committee, develop a consensus, and do it.
As anomalies occur, deal with it or change a few things until you evolve
something that most people accept and like.

That should do it.

Scott Meyers

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