Mike Bultemeier writes:
<<<By the way I think we should all consider boycotting all "Chinese"
imported tools in light of whats going on. I know I will. I realize this
strays from the Autox content rule but I couldn't resist.>>>
Gotta resist! Gotta resist! Stop typing! Can't....
In light of what's going on?!? Exactly what did the Chinese do to
deserve a boycott besides get themselves killed when they happened to be
in the way of our errant smart bombs? If you haven't been watching the
news I guess you may not know the entire episode was the fault of the
CIA. Their 'intelligence' (what an oxymoron _that_ is) was 4 years out
of date. They thought the Chinese embassy was some sort of Yugoslavian
military stronghold. The only issue I see is that the Chinese government
is now using the episode to increase nationalism at our expense. But I
got news for you. Over half the world feels the same way towards the US.
Why? Because sometime in the past we probably dropped bombs on their
heads. And if it wasn't overt bombs it was covert ops conducted by the
Sorry for the non-autocross bandwidth...
Paul Foster