I've heard enough people say, 'Read the Supps' to know enough to do so,
but I can find no evidence of Supplemental Regs for ProSolo events.
The SCCA site has the full '98 Nationals Supps available, but nothing,
as far as I can tell, for any ProSolos. I looked at '98 and '99 events,
to no avail.
Do they exist? Can I read them online? Do I have to rely on the
Postal Service?
Also, is there any way to find out more specifically what the ProSolo
definition of a 'professional appearance' is? All my '99 rule books say
is 'neat and clean, inside and out'. Is a mis-aligned, hairline-cracked
bumper cover 'unprofessional'? What about bent exhaust tips? We're
thinking about bringing a second car, in Street Touring, but I don't want
to be unpleasantly surprised.
Thanks in advance.
D a v i d H i l l m a n
scscc, nma, scca, imoc