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re: Ace Report: Atwater Pro - IDIC

To: whitney <>,
Subject: re: Ace Report: Atwater Pro - IDIC
From: Phil Esra <>
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 13:11:51 -0700 (PDT)
<whispered> I'm sorry, I'm afraid I've talked too much alrea... 
<a door is kicked in; sounds of struggling> Mmmph! Mmmmmmmph!

;) phil esra

--- whitney <> wrote:
> Congratultions, now we want to know do you ingest this conditioner or
> apply
> it externally (and where).
> Does the chemical reaction hurt, or is the pain only felt by others
> ;)?  Is
> there any itching involved?
> Stan Whitney

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