Tommy Regan wote:
> <snip>
> We've got a few great potential sites, namely Texas Motor Speedway
> (where the Pro was held) and A&M's site would work, as well. the new
> site near Houston might also be a possibility, but that's pretty far
> south. Personally, I think TMS would be a great facility if it's not
> too expensive to rent.
And Davis Field remains one of - - if not the best - - concrete sites in
the MidWest - although not Texas, pretty darn near!!
> P.S. Don't judge turnout (or lack thereof) for the Okie Pro as turnout
> for a Texas Pro. The timing was off by, what, two weeks? Too close
> for some, not close enough for others...
And the same could be said for a properly scheduled, REAL ProSolo
(with point - - that would have brought out them out!!) in Muskogee - -
and Tommy later added in an addendum:
> I was referring to the date being too close to the Texas Nat'l. Tour
> date. Sorry for the ambiguity! :-P