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Re: wasting gates

To: richard nichols <>
Subject: Re: wasting gates
From: Chris Sims <>
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 09:30:57 -0700 (PDT)
On Fri, 30 Apr 1999, richard nichols wrote:

> turbofords is high enough to make a *lot* of power within the other limits
> of Street Prepared rules, if there were no rule-based boost limit.
> IOW, if I could run unlimited boost (IOW, limited only by the mechanical
<Lot's of speculation>
> Now do you want to play with me?  Will it work with the stock turbo?  I can
> find out, if anyone really cares to know.

I care to know!  For two reasons:
A.  If there is a magic way to make more power from my SVO I'd 
    love to know.

B. (More on topic) I think the whole point of all these rules
is to encourage participation,  and facilitate meaningful competition
between vastly differing vehicles.  I think that allowing boost
modifications in a "street" class makes sense because this a very popular
"street" modification.  Thus, a good thing for encouraging participation.
As for facilitating meaningful competition, we need to look at some data.
Are boost-enhanced street cars really overdogs?  I'm sure there are people
out there running such cars, in what-ever class they end up in.  How do
their times compare with others in the "street" class that they would be
in if we allowed?  Are they really faster?  My guess is no, but again, we
need hard data.

 84 SVO Mustang FS

  *                                                                    *
  *                            Chris Sims                              *
  *                                   *
  *                                                                    *

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