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G Force Concerns - Where and How to share?

To: "Team.Net" <>
Subject: G Force Concerns - Where and How to share?
From: Scott & Glenda Meyers <>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 09:14:33 -0700
I read with great interest the "Fear and Loathing in SRF" info, and am
wondering what the formal procedure is for sharing with BFG concerns about the
G Force in a Solo 2 setting. Do we have to write a letter, or is there e-mail 

Surely they must care, as I think I speak for many when I say I am concerned
about the demonstrated short life and flat-spotting characteristic. These are
VERY fragile tires, and are out of my budget until things change. Does BFG
even acknowledge that there is a problem? Has anyone told them?

Sadly, I have been 'with' BFG (unsponsored, but they were my tire of choice)
for many years (well over twelve), and have bought many sets (well over
sixteen). While I know I am not the "Big Fish in the Pond", is there anyone
listening or caring out there as to the effect this is having on the little 

Having run MANY sets of R-1's I do know that the G Forces are different, and
not in a positive way. It is not my imagination.

So, how to proceed? Thanks for any shared advice.

Scott Meyers

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