> Subject line sez it all...anyone have numbers? Is it
> constant or does a PS pump consume less juice when in
> bypass? Wondering if it's worth the slower ratio...
I don't know about HP drain but I do know this: After an event
or two, I was adjusted to the slower manual ratio. I don't think the
manual ratio ever caused me problems that would have been solved by
having the faster ratio. If I was late making a turn, it was due to
poor turn judgement and not slow steering.
It took me only a day or two to get used to the extra effort in
daily driving. But then again, I was transitioning from the Lumina
company car with "pinky-movable" super-PS. I've had non-PS cars
before so I knew the tricks already. The only time I regretted
having the manual rack was when I was recovering from the Neon
accident. The car had to sit for a few extra weeks while the
shoulder healed.
Mike Lowe mikelowe@phoenix.net http://www.phoenix.net/~mikelowe
Texas A&M Sports Car Club Houston Region SCCA Miata Club of America
'96 Miata R BS 93