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National Tour points

Subject: National Tour points
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 18:33:46 EDT
In a message dated 4/24/99 2:22:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Hottvr writes:

<< If Solo wants a big time image have National
 points and watch what happens.  >>

     I have already told you what will happen. Someone in a given class will 
be the only one to run all the events because he is the only one with the 
free time and the travel money to do so. He will probably also have enough 
money to have a car that works in a class and all the tweaks that can be had 
to make it good. So even if he is a crummy driver he will be the only one to 
score points [or have a chance to score] in EVERY event. His "championship" 
will be a reward for showing up, not for being good at the sport. It could be 
fun to do that. Travel is broadening, the old saying says. But such a 
championship would be one I would be a little embarrassed to actually put on 
my resume. Someone might ask who you ran against in all those events. It 
would be some different people in each one.
     Solo2 having a big time national image is a pipe dream. Attempts to give 
it a big time image just make it more expensive and less interesting for 
people who would enjoy it for what it is -- a half fast substitute for 
racing.  Say "half fast" three times quickly and you will get the idea.


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