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RE: Estock Celica Question

To: <>
Subject: RE: Estock Celica Question
From: "Chris and Per Schroeder" <>
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 09:25:19 -0500
It's not just tire size....

Things that the Celica has going for it (ST and GT)

Good camber adjustability (up to 2.5 neg possible, only 2ish needed) 
Well thought out suspension design, doesn't go 'positive' as quickly as
other strut suspensions
low height (51" tall)
wide rims (6" for the ST, 7" for the GT..compared to 5.5 for the Acura)
TORQUE (145ft/lbs for the GT)
short gearing for the GT (2nd runs out at 54) which is both good and bad.  
Weights aren't bad,  2400ish for the ST,  2580ish for the GT  (the 2790
figure that everyone sees is the convertible)
Reasonably well thought out spring rates.  the car just doesn't roll like a
Estock integra.  

FWIW,  about half the time I'd rather have my ST back, and the other half
of the time I like my GT better..but it's got to have some sort of section
that slows the ST down.  

There are no plans to move the GT to D *IF* the ST moves to E (We on the
SCAC are still requesting member comment on this)  

Estock Celica GT 
SCAC member

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