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Oklahoma National Event...

Subject: Oklahoma National Event...
From: "Mohler, Jeff" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 17:43:25 -0600
Although it was very difficult to get the support required for our 'test'
event for this part of the county (mostly because of local regions with
events, and the lack of print-time in Sportscar..etc..etc..) it will be
greatly more difficult to get a National event considered for the middle-USA
next year as long as the AutoX list continues to put a negative spin on
Oklahoma in general.

"Who'd drive there?"  Isn't positive.

Please, if you have -real- concerns about an Oklahoma/Central based event,
let the SCCA know about it.

For the rest of you that are not willing to drive to either coast for a
National Pro Solo event, your support will be greatly appreciated by just
letting the Home Office know that you -would- seriously consider a Midwest
event should they try to do another next year.

I belive strongly that with enough support NOW, next year we can get into
the points and contingency race that we were unable to fit into this year.

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