>need some information on who i should contact in my area, North Bergen
>New Jersey (North east NJ) so I can get started this month if anything..
Clubs within driving distanct to the Northern NJ area include:
Local Clubs:
Westchester Sports Car Club - http://www.wscc.org
Poughkeepsie Sports Car Club - http://webusers.warwick.net/~u1027695/home.htm
Fairfield Sports Car Club - http://www.fcscc.com
SCCA Regions:
Northern NJ Region - http://www.castle.net/~autoxcsp
NY Region - http://www.newyorkregionscca.com/
Philly Region - http://www.castle.net/~autoxcsp
You can race pretty much any weekend within a reasonable driving distance.
All of these clubs have schedules posted on their web sites.
Jesse Lipscher
88 CRX-Si (CSP)