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Re: And now for something completely different...

To: "Jason Suknot" <>, <>
Subject: Re: And now for something completely different...
From: "Justin Hughes" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 15:59:17 -0400
>Add the fact that it has not seen an autocross course in over a year
>(man I really need to fix that transmission) and that I stripped the
>interior for parts and I think I am a shoe in for TLS and TSOL.

What class does your Golf fall into?  If you're HS, I wouldn't say you're
"hopelessly outclassed."  Ever not place even one run at an event?  Place
dead last?  For the season?  Just trying to more accurately gauge how you
qualify - check out the TSOL web site for more details.  (Scott gave the URL

Just remember, it's either TLS or TSOL - the decision is yours.  Can't be
both, because TLS is our sworn mortal enemy for pretty much no reason
whatsoever. :)

    - Justin
      TSOL #4
      So what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen Golf, anyway?

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