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Re: Texas National Tour and a big THANK YOU!

To: Mike McClure <>
Subject: Re: Texas National Tour and a big THANK YOU!
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 15:57:25 -0500
I couldn't agree with you more, Mike!  It was a fabulous event.  Roger
really outdid himself on the course design.  I know how hard Bud and
Lynn and Marty worked to put it all together and the results really
showed.  Kevin and the other Road Racing guys and gals pitched in to
run the grid both days.  Phil, Kurt, Donaleigh, Kei, Wally, and so
many others put in many long hours to pull it off.  My hat's off to
all of you and the dozens of others that I haven't named!!!

Even though my car kept breaking, and even though I got thoroughly
sunburned riding my little bicycle around all weekend playing Safety
Steward, I had an absolute blast!

All of the TMS people with whom I talked were thoroughly
impressed...especially the emergency response crew.  They just
couldn't believe the level of professionalism that went into running
the event, the skill level of the drivers, the quality of the cars,
and the friendliness of the competitors.  At one point I even saw them
puting SCCA Solo-2 event stickers on their response truck!!!  IMHO,
when you get NASCAR people praising an SCCA Solo-2 event, you've

My thanks, too, to everybody who pitched in to help when the Mini
broke Saturday and everybody else who offered to help but realized
there just wasn't room for any more heads or hands underneath that
little bitty bonnet.  I must have had 40 or 50 people ask what the
problem was, offer advice on fixing it, and/or offer their assistance
if I needed it.  What a great bunch of folks to be associated
with!!!!  8<{)

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman

Mike McClure wrote:
> First I just have to say, WOW, what a great event!  If you didn't make
> it to this event you will definately want to put it on your calenders
> for next year (if that works out).  Things seemed to go very smoothly
> considering there were around 270 competitors.  The courses were some of
> the best I have ever seen and the competition was fierce.  The party in
> the garage area of the Speedway was great, especially since we could see
> and hear the stock cars most of the night!

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