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Re: PSI Questions

To: "Brian Naumann" <>, <>
Subject: Re: PSI Questions
From: "Jamie Sculerati" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 14:04:48 -0400
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Naumann <>

>What do safety policies at autox events/race tracks say about high
>pressure gas cylinders?  Basically, I have an opportunity to use
>small 2200 psig cylinders intended for portable medical oxygen use or
>helium ballon filling, and some 0-45 psig regulators that are
>intended for use with these cylinders for helium balloon filling.  It
>is simple to slap a hose and air chuck on them and fill them with dry

This is similar to a question on using converted SCUBA tanks last year.
I've never seen any rules regarding these, but personally, I wouldn't want a
high-pressure bottle laying around in the paddock, especially in the bright
sun.  Sure, they can be dropped, but I've seen a SCUBA tank turn into rocket
projectile when some clod dropped it at the wrong angle and knocked the
valve off.  Why take the chance?

>The size I have access to at the present (medical "E" size, if that means
anything to you), would have
>a capacity about 5 times that of my 5-gal portable air tank filled to its
max 125 psig.

Is it that much trouble to fill the thing before events?  IMO, if you need
more air than a low-pressure tank provides, buy a good portable compressor.

'92 Prelude Si
Speed Demon Racing

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