Competitors entering the Atlanta SCCA NOPI Solo II series event this
Sunday (April 18) should notice some changes in the registration process.
REGISTER ON-LINE AT: <ATL-SCCA.ORG> or pick up a Registration form as you
enter the site (get it from the greeter).
1. Go to the new INFORMATION / WAIVER station FIRST
* Sign both waivers (one for the track, the other for SCCA),
* log in your car class and number (permanent number sign up)
* Pre-Registered entrants pick up forms here
* get your wrist band
* Novices can get their temporary car numbers and class letters here
2. Go to the REGISTRATION tent. Have:
* Filled out and signed Entry Form
* your Driver's License
* SCCA membership card (if you are a member)
* entry fee ($25 non-members, $20 members)
* Work assignment from Worker Chief
* Tech form
3. Prepare car
4. Place class letters and numbers on car
5. Go to Technical Inspection
You are now ready to walk the course!!!!