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Texas Tour

To: "''" <>
Subject: Texas Tour
From: Paula Whitney <>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 16:38:37 -0500
We had a total of 266 entries, the second largest tour ever! (San Diego
had the largest by TWO).  The courses were very long and some of the
best Roger the Real has ever done.  Howard felt the need to test drive
the course over and over and over and over until Roger's Miata was
panting.  Because of the long courses the 20 minute break was just
barely long enough to walk the course and get to your work assignment
without any time for anything else, like bathroom stops so we had
a little problem getting everyone to their cars and work assignments
but on a whole the event went without a hitch.  Tommy Saunders
lost a wheel on one of his runs and put it back on the car on course
and finished his run, the longest run of the weekend, about 10 minutes.
We finished on Saturday about 7:45 and got to make hot laps on the
track under the lights, WOW.  Sunday we finished with trophies about
7pm.  Thanks goodness for daylight savings time!

The Texas Region did an outstanding job.  (and special thanks for 
staying around and helping load up all the SCCA stuff in the truck
and trailer, the weak backs of the field staff appreciate all the help!!)

Great event, 
Lew Anne

Ps, special thanks to Stan Whitney for the use of the beautiful little
yellow and purple CRX, when the Wild Orkid Beast decided to quit
and Grady and I needed a ride.  Poor thing had four drivers on 
Sunday in two different classes and finished 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
 (Stan's great little car is for sale you know)

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