Atlanta Region will be hosting a NOPI Solo II event at Atlanta Motor
Speedway, Sunday April 18th. Entry fees are $20 for SCCA members and $25
for non-members.
Come out and practice for the first SEDIV coming up on May 1-2 at this
same site. Atlanta Region will be holding events both weekends before the
SEDIV's first event of the season. Out of town guests and Novices can
enter either the morning session (beginning at 8 a.m.) or the afternoon
session (beginning at 11:00 a.m.).
Pre-registration for the event on April 18th or 25th can be done on the
Atlanta Region Website at:
<> and jump to the Solo II registration page.
You may also pre-register for the SEDIV Series of events at:
Please pre-register because this will speed up our events.
If you are an Atlanta Region member running for points the following
Run/Work order must be followed:
Blue Group: SS, AS, FS, BSP, ESP, PRO
Red Group: BS, ASP, CSP, DSP,
Green Group: CS, DS, ES, HS, AP, BP, CP, EP, DP, KMJr., KM
Yellow Group: GS, OSP, AM, BM, CM, DM, EM, FM,
The following run/work schedule will be followed throughout the season:
April 18 Points #2: Morning - Red/Green Afternoon -
April 25 Points #3: Morning - Green/Yellow Afternoon -
May 1-2 SEDIV Divisional at AMS (must be an SCCA member)