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Re: Possible Nationals Site

To: "rikracer" <>
Subject: Re: Possible Nationals Site
From: "Greg Lee" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 07:28:02 -0500
Ahhhh,  my only question is how do you know what the people who shop at
SuperK and Wal-Mart at 2am look like unless you are there with them? And
therefore are one of them..................

Well, ah, you see, ah, when I work on my car 'till the wee hours, ah, ah,
and ah,  I see my butt ugly neighbors load up the butt ugly kids in the butt
ugly old van with a "3" and a "24" on the back window and the butt ugly kids
are yelling, "Yippee, we're goin' to Wal-Mart!" and they run over the butt
ugly dog sleepin' behind the front tire.  That's it.  That's the ONLY way I
know 'bout these things. Yea, that's how I know. That and that time when I
needed one more pint of gear dope to finish the job and just "picked up a
few thangs whist I was there".

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