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re: Tire Wear

To: autox-digest <>
Subject: re: Tire Wear
From: Loren Williams <>
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 1999 19:37:08 -0500
Eric said:

> Actually for Neons this is not a
> lot of negative camber but compared to other camber-challenged cars I
> guess that it can be considered a lot.

It's a lot of camber for street use, regardless of what kind of car it
> can I equalize the wear?  Drive harder and wear the outer
> edge out faster?  Less tire pressure to give the outside edge more
> "bite"?  Turn the tires around on the wheel and wear the "other" inside
> edge?  What?

The camber itself (depending on the tire and your driving style) isn't
what's wearing your tires.  It's the toe setting that has the front of
your car basically in a "constant turn".  The combination of the two is
a very bad thing as far as tire wear goes.  My choice was to give up the
toe-out.  I still run 1.8 to 2.0 degrees negative camber but with near
zero toe, my tires last a lot longer.

If you have symmetrical tires, reverse-mounting them is a good trick,
too... just don't wait until it's too late to do it.

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'94 Saturn SC2 | Wichita Region SCCA -

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