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National caliber cars have A/C

Subject: National caliber cars have A/C
From: Chris Shenefield <>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 09:05:42 -0500
Hi everyone,

Very simple question:  How much does A/C hurt a national caliber car.
For example, Celica GT in ES or Integra Type R in GS?

I am tying to decide whether to get a car without A/C, but it will be my
daily driver.  I am a very serious autox'er at this point; so base your
replies on all-out auto-x performance.  I know the answer to this in
theoretical terms, but maybe somebody has real-world experience.

Chris Shenefield
(no car yet)

P.S. I did talk to Per Schroeder a little bit about this privately, but
now I am asking everyone to give input if possible.  Thanks!

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