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Re: San Diego Tour

To: Stan Vann <>
Subject: Re: San Diego Tour
From: Josh Sirota <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 18:05:40 -0800
Stan Vann wrote:
> Randy,
>  How about a description of the course at San Diego. Give us some idea
> of speeds, flow of the course,and use of cones (many or few) gates or
> mini road course.

A truly fun, *very* fast event.  Gary Richardson and I spent a second or
two at the rev limiter in our top (4th) gear on Sunday ... 83+ MPH.  The
BM cars (and even fast SP and P cars) could have been going even faster.

I had a blast.  I just wish Guy hadn't kicked my butt so badly :-)  But
then I've only driven that car twice before (and the first time was over
2 years ago).

Just to give you an idea -- in CM we ran times in the mid 50-second
range.  Yet it was 1.1 miles long (according to Randy).  I think that
makes the average speed something in the neighborhood of 40% faster than
what we typically see at Nationals.


PS: Just got home -- at 9pm last night the axle of our trailer broke
(not sure what went first, but let's just say that the fire caused by
the bearing failure allowed the whole axle to get hot enough to bend)
... but we managed to replace it this morning and were on the road again
by 11am :-)

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