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Turbo v NA Equity

Subject: Turbo v NA Equity
From: Jamie or Trisha Ridenour <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 17:50:24 -0600
Sam Strano said:

>I think it comes do to an equality thing in terms of mods.  See the 'ol
>Neon motor mount, Subframe connector arguments to see how serious SCCA is
>about NOT letting cars get different things.  I could use connectors and
>would if they were legal, so could you if you wanted too (if they were
>legal).  Sure they wouldn't help you, but if they changed the rule everyone
>could do it.  They thing with the turbo stuff is that *only* turbo cars can
>benefit.  There is no equal on a non-turbo.
I have to disagree with Sam somewhat since the rule that started this whole
mess CAUSES inequality in prep level.  I realize you've begun discussing a
different modification here, however extend your reasoning on to the
catalytic converter issue and see where it gets you.  Looks conflicted to me.

DG's proposal seems fair to me and has the appearance of the kind of rules
we've all said we'd like.  Enforcable.  Many of the other remarks seem like
sour grapes to me.

Being on the digest I hope you'll forgive me if I'm repeating.  

Jamie Ridenour   

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