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Re: Rotor change in SP?

To: "Sam Watts" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Rotor change in SP?
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 13:56:52 -0600
Sam Watts typed:

>My plan was to replace all 4 with Powerslot slotted rotors in
the stock
>size.  But I have been given conflicting answers by fellow
autocrossers that
>I know regarding the legality of this change.

Definitely not legal.

>  The rule book that I found
>online (and that may be outdated) never said anything about

I'm sure they would fall under the "expendable items" allowance,
but you can't upgrade 'em, only replace them with OEM
equivalents. Slotting and cross-drilling would qualify as
"upgraded," although they wouldn't help appreciably in autoxing.

I'd look for some aftermarket OEM-equivalent replacements.


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