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Re[2]: SP rules on catalytic converters (Very Long, but info

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re[2]: SP rules on catalytic converters (Very Long, but info
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 99 15:31:46 -0500
 "Jay Mitchell" <>wrote:

:I was certain this was true, but I didn't have sufficient 
:specifics to make that assertion. Thanks again. Are you guys 
:listenin' oth there?

Sounds great, but I think the point was, that people all over 
the country are capable of passing *THEIR* respective emmisions 
tests without the aid of a catalytic converter.  I've seen it, 
and so have a lot of other people. I don't think ANYONE was 
disputing the fact that a catalyst eqipped car would run 
cleaner, everything else being equal.   I think (correct me if 
I'm wrong here folks) that we were trying to convey the point 
that a well tuned engine is capable of meeting local smog 
regulations without the aid of a converter.  Yes, Converters 
are required, and Yes, it's illegal to run on the street 
without one if it was originally equipped with one.  I think 
catalytic converters are a good thing, that's why there is one 
on my EP car, as I like to drive it to work on occasion. (it 
came with one) My 78 Fiat never had one, would I put on one to 
be green?  No way.  

Scott Phelps



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