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Re: tires? SO SO SO sorry (not)

Subject: Re: tires? SO SO SO sorry (not)
From: Joshua Hadler <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 10:29:15 -0700 wrote:
>      The Street Touring rule(with, possibly, a higher treadwear number) with
> the addition of  durometer testing  (with a very radical  number, a number
> that leaves no room for doubt)   would handle the tire problem at any level of
> the sport.   The WILL to DO that does not exist among those who write the
> rules and those who influence those who write the rules.
>      I find this tire debate rather entertaining. Too bad it upsets some among
> us.

        Actually, I wouldn't be supprised that if Street Touring started taking
off at the Pros that a durometer wouldn't start showing up. But keep in
mind the very nature of Street Touring. It's conception was for a
showcase class to attract a new element of enthusiast. Also, it's a very
limited class right now. With national recognition only at the Pros. And
because the pros are very tightly controlled by the powers that be
(there are a finite and small nuber of events per year) that unusual
measures can be taken to ensure compliance. Also don't forget that the
ST tire exclusion list will be dynamic over the course of the season.
There is no cutoff date for the exclusion list. A tire, if shown to be
"too fast" can (if so willed) be excluded at a very late date. Granted,
I think Kurt and Howard have done a great job with making this class
happen, and I don't think they'll actually find a tire that has to get
kicked out. But if a manufacturer comes out with a super duper grippy
tire that is contrary to the goal of the class, then it just might get
cut. But geez, 140 is pretty low for a treadwear rating.


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