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G-Cube shipping TODAY

Subject: G-Cube shipping TODAY
From: Byron Short <>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 09:46:21 -0700
Sorry for the interruption, but I'm thrilled to announce that the first 
G-Cube orders are going out the door TODAY!  After about two weeks of 
almost day by day delays, I was beginning to think this day was never 
gonna come!

Anyone who has an order in currently, if you have no changes in shipping 
instructions, you needn't do anything...your order should be there by 
Thursday or Friday, as everything is coming by Priority Mail.

If you instructed me to call or contact you prior to shipping I will be 
doing that this morning.  If anyone who ordered would rather get your 
package at the San Diego Tour, please call me this morning!  We expect 
to make our post office run around 3:30pm (Mountain Time) today, so 
catch us before that if you have a change in your order.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for your patience!  The finished product 
is super, and I hope you'll agree it was worth the wait!

The second orders will be up in about two weeks, as I'm going to be out 
of town next week for my other business.  Anyone wanting more info, 
cruise our website and check out the GEEZ Tour, under the Products 

--Byron Short

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