At 01:12 PM 3/15/1999 +0900, Tim Reinhardt wrote:
>Who knew that on going back to the Atlanta Nascar race that I would find
>that a Motocross broke out. Kind of reminds me of the old saying; I went
>to a fight and a hockey game broke out. So, another question for 1999
>Miata owners. Has anyone heard any news on Koni availability for the
>Tim Reinhardt
>1999 Miata Sport
"At last...the long awaited Koni
application for the 99 Miata is just
about here!
PBC has an exclusive on the first 50
sets of Koni's due to hit toward the
end of June. We are taking
advanced orders for this product.
Pricing has not been set in stone but
Koni says they will be in the
neighborhood of $450.00 for a set of
All orders will be confirmed prior to
shipment of product and notified of
price via phone. All customers will
have the option to purchase or
cancel at any time."
This is the first I've seen of 99 Koni's.
Gary Spray
Topeka, Kansas
Crystal White '90 A (with white Mazda alloys)
M Club #43
Miata Club Of America
Kansas Region SCCA
** WAX? I bought it to DRIVE! **