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Re: Cars and quality (Neons, etc.)

Subject: Re: Cars and quality (Neons, etc.)
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 06:49:41 EST
I smell sub-frame connectors.........   :)


In a message dated 3/12/99 10:52:01 AM Central Standard Time,

<< The only thing I'll say about this is that NVH is often a general
 indicator of chassis stiffness and integrity. Engine and exhaust noise
 don't bother me. That hollow ringing of aftershocks going over bumps
 does. I'm all for a buzz from the engine, drone from the exhaust,
 tingling in the steering, etc. I get worried about a car's long term
 well being when the chassis creaks while pulling up on a driveway. My 88
 Mustang 5.0 is an example of a car that really needs a lot of
 aftermarket stiffening. If you don't do it, you'll start to get cracks
 in the chassis. At that point, the car may be beyond economical repair
 for continued hard driving.
 Ron Katona >>

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