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more Re: Dakota R/T?

To: "Mark J. Andy" <>,
Subject: more Re: Dakota R/T?
From: Jack Hilton III <>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 14:40:09 -0500
BTW - The towing capacity is either 6000 or 6500 , I don't have my owner's
manual handy . 

Just so happens that I ran my 98 Dakota R/T Club Cab at Atlanta Motor
Speedway in February . 

I did rather well , considering the weight of the truck , the fact that it
was my first time at AutoX , and that I was on nearly bald stock Goodyear
RS-As . The only real problem I had was the truck's tendancy to want to
plow thru the tight 90 degree corners after the nice long straights , so I
had to get used to kicking the tail out to get her pointed in the right
direction . I believe that a Regular Cab would not be so bad at this . also
, the Club Cab that I have weighs in at about 4500 total with me . 

The Dakota R/T has , of course , the 5.9L (360) Magnum V8 , unique 2-into-1
catalytic converter , one-piece aluminum drive shaft , 9.25" rear end with
3.92 gears and Sure Grip (Chrysler's term for LImited Slip) . It is also
lowered 1" all the way around versus a stock Dakota . 

The only transmission available is the 46RE Automatic Overdrive . 

There is a LOT you can do to the truck to make it faster , and Hotchkis
Performance is making a kit for it that will lower it even further , but
not just for looks . One of the guys that works there has a V6 Dakota that
he regulary AutoX and this kit will help you there , but the full kit will
run you about $1k . Kenne Bell makes a nice Supercharger , if that is your
thing , and Nitrous Express has a great kit as well , but that wouldn't be
needed for AutoX , maybe Bracket Racing . 

All in all , I think that the Dakota R/T has MUCH potential as an AutoX
vehicle , despite it's girth . I will be back at AMS on March 27-28 to do
even more with her (yes , it is a she) . 

If you want to find out alot about Dakotas and how to make them
faster/better , check out the Dakota Mailing List at :

I have been part of this group for about a year and these guys know the ins
and outs . Of course , like I said , most of what they concentrate on is
for bracket racing , but alot of it will apply . 

If you check it out , look up Gary Pinkley in the members area , he is the
one that works at Hotchkis and AutoX his V6 Dakota . 

BTW - DO NOT get the Dakota R/T and then complain about gas mileage !
With the 3.92 gears , if you go over 2000 RPM on the freeway in OD (right
at 60MPH) , you can get 20 MPG , but anything over that , anything at all ,
and you are looking at 15 on the freeway . Don't even ask about mileage in
town . Thank God Gas is only 69 cents here !

Hope to hear about another Dakota R/T at the track !!

Here is a URL for my truck :


At 01:37 PM 3/12/1999 -0500, Mark J. Andy wrote:
>I'm bored at work, so I thought I'd look into something that a buddy
>He saw an S10 run in HS locally and was wondering how the Dodge Dakota R/T
>would fare.  It weighs around 3500 lbs, has 250hp, has (I think) 17x9
>wheels, and according to the brochure is "lowered"...
>Anyone know if you can get negative camber on the Dakota w/RT package
>without vilating stock rules?  Are the springs stiff enough?  Etc. etc.
>And, for more of a twist, what's the towing capactiy?
>(who's considering one of these plus either an f500 or a shifter kart for
>next year...)

W . Jack Hilton III

770-253-8328 ext.426

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