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Las Vegas Region Thanks You, Too!

Subject: Las Vegas Region Thanks You, Too!
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 15:22:53 -0800


YOU'RE WELCOME!  Thanks for the good words.  Glad you had a good time.  I feel
sure everybody at Las Vegas Region enjoyed watching you (and the rest of the
Cally-Forny folks) run.  You, Jason, and that Darlin' Yellow Lotus can come back
any time.  Too bad about that busted brake line, but now we know that you CAN
get Lotus parts in beautiful metropolitan Pahrump.  It was 'jolly decent' of you
to take the bye for the morning runs, but then, you do drive a Lotus, so we
should know you'd be a 'Sport!'

You're right, Rick K did a mahvelous job of setting up and running the event,
and it was a great site and a good course.  (Thanks, Rick and Barb!)  Come back
next time, and bring more friends.

JD Kemp &
"Lucretia MacEvil" #13 MGB

Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 10:57:38 EST
Subject: Thanks to Las Vegas Region.....

     I would like to take a few minutes and thank the Las Vegas Region for a a
great divisional event at Pahrump, NV. I Think I can speak for everyone who
attended the event from San Diego & Cal Club region , that we had a great
     Thanks to Rick,the event chairman, Barbara, the Chief of registration ,
"JD".. Well what can be said for you... Your hospitality , was greatly
appreciated. Rupert Bratt-Smith for a great facility to run on.
     The weather over there was just great.. a little chilly in the morning ,but
by 9:00 the sun was out and the sky was clear.
     Looking foward to nexts year divsional...

Robbie Robinson
Committee Chairman


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