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RE: Ft Myers Observations - and some Ideas

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: Ft Myers Observations - and some Ideas
From: Paula Whitney <>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 11:30:02 -0600
The best way to lead is by example. The more professional and slick the SCCA
part of the operation is, the easier it will be to get the participants to act
professional and slick. That means, incidently, that something has to be done to
speed up registration....

At the first events of each year and always in a new location we have
lots of questions at Registration, ie time is involved.  Just like when you
first arrive at an event you wish to say hello to old friends and make new
ones, the folks who jump in the line for registration at 6pm want to talk
a little and the new people need to ask questions. We keep them moving
at a steady pace but there are delays.  One year at the finale we worked
like robots and checked entrants and handed out work assignments and
had register 200 people at the end of an hour and a half, and guess what
folks bitched that we were not friendly enough.  When you came through at
Ft Myers you had a question and were still out of the truck in under two
minutes.  How fast should we go?  Friday night we registered 115 entrants
in two hours.  That's a little over one minute per person.  That was a lite
event, on a good event we run 150 to 175 through, three quarters of a
minute or less.  

 So I had this as an idea: What if we keep the 12 run format, but run 2 heats of
6, instead of 3 heats of 4. Run the NationalSeries classes in their entirity on
Saturday, and run the Pro series heats on Sunday morning, with the Challenges in
the afternoon as always. Sunday thus becomes TV/Spectator Day.

- Spectators no longer need a full weekend, and The Show plays out in a big
block of time in front of them (assuming the Spectaors are there to watch the
Pros, which seems a reasonable assumption)

When ProSolo first started you had to qualify to stay until Sunday, which
was the challenge (and the challenge).  Most entrants wanted to have more 
time on course and be involved for the whole weekend.  A big part of this 
sport is the camaraderie and family of friends we make.  But lets take your 
idea, ok you run Pro, now you don't have to be at the event until Sunday 
and the National folks can leave on Saturday if they don't qualify for the 
challenge.  Until we get to the point where we hire workers we need warm 
bodies to run this event, if the National entrants go home on Saturday, who 
will work the Pro and if the Pros don't come until Sunday (or even later on 
Saturday) who will mentor and help work the NationalSeries? 

paula whitney
worker bee and
Field Staff SCCA

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