Jeffrey Lloyd <> wrote :
> I agree, The old ///M 3 is WAY out classed in AS
> Lets move it to GS like the Type-R :-) but seriously
> How does BS sound? with the rest of the BMW sedans (new m3 not
> included) those numbers are very close to the new 328is in BS (some
> say should be in GS) anyone else want to write a letter?
I have intimate knowledge of the potential of the old M3, with Russ
Wiles driving (as do many of the old timers from the year he
destroyed CS).
Back in '91, Russ drove all the way to Connecticut for the BMW national
meet and stopped at the NE Divs in Harrisburg on the way. The courses
were standard NE type courses with lots of transistions and not very fast,
there were places to accelerate unlike the recent nationals courses that
I attended. I and another 911 destroyed Russ on both days, he could not
believe he was being beaten (even by the current AS national champ).
It made us feel good about our chances at the Nationals against the
invincible Russ Wiles.
But it was a different story once we got out to the high speed nationals
courses which Russ is so familiar with (he almost never lost a Nationals).
He was about 2 seconds faster than anyone else on the 1st run and
we never got much closer. Once up to speed he never seemed to slow
down so power/weight ratios didn't help us. I think if he got his old
M3 back he could still be competitive in AS. I don't think the old M3
would fit in any other stock class.
Before winning AS
in his newer M3, Bob Tunnell did comparisons of the old and new
styles and I think he told me he thought the old style might be better
on some courses. But he chose the new style so he must have
found it better all around. Maybe Bob will comment as he has
the experience with the cars.
Regards, mike piera,
'72 911S Targa, '73 911"RS"
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