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To: "Moore, John" <>, <>
Subject: Re:
From: "David Hawkins" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 23:02:03 -0600
> Ha Ha Ha, your funny :). Using 6 gallons to go 130 miles is not my
>idea of fuel efficient!!! Acceptable, Yes, but efficient, No. Anyone else
>out there with an MR-2 with the 5S-FE engine get about the same mileage?
>Odd, but the fuel mileage seems to be better if I go 80 MPH than if I go 60
>MPH? Odd, very odd. But hey, 80 MPH is more fun anyway!

My MR2 with the 3S-GTE gets better than that....and it isn't supposed
to.  I think you need a tune up.  The 5S-FE should be giving you 29-35mpg
on the highway.  22mpg in town.

David Hawkins
93 Mr2 Turbo (25mpg)
85 Mr2  (32mpg)
83 Turbo Esprit (13mpg)

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