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Tranny and brake fluid for autocrossing

Subject: Tranny and brake fluid for autocrossing
From: David Onate <>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 18:53:58 -0800 (PST)
Now that we got the engine oil question taken care of.... what about 
manual transmission fluid... Should I just get the Honda MTF (they don't
recommend motor oil) or should I use something like Redline. What are the

Also does anyone have any experience using DOT 5.1 Brake fluid? 
Should I try it or just continue using DOT 3 Heavy Duty and change often?

Thanx in advance.
-"Crazy" Dave "Cokeswigga" Onate

"Your parents are on the internet, but their VCR still blinks "12:00"

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Mechanical engineers build weapons, civil engineers build targets.

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