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RE: ABS facts and myths

Subject: RE: ABS facts and myths
From: DOUG GILL 383-4291 <>
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 17:27:45 -0500 (CDT)
          >Alright, already, stop your grumbling and read on.
          Travis, I am not grumbling, I just want to know more than somebody 
          said it did. If it's such common knowledge why can't I locate it? 
          I don't consider myself important enough to expect people to 
          believe me just because I heard someone on who said they 
          heard it from someone on the BMW list or something. I just would 
          like something a little more concrete.
          >click the arrow next to ESP and follow the synergetic principle to
          > get to the goods.  I'm equally sure that I read an article in a
          > car magazine regarding this system and one other.
          This helps, but it is discussing the anti-blocking system. What is 
          that? " . . . prevents each wheel individually from blocking when 
          brake pressure is applied." Could be an spelling error but I still 
          stick to my guns that just because it's a 4-channel ABS doesn't 
          mean that the rear brakes are activated independently during ABS 
          (anti-lock braking system) operation. This seems to be more about 
          yaw control rather than specifically about ABS.
          Sorry, I had a genuine question. I'll know better to ask 
          to answer a question for me again.

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