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Meridian stories (don't read this Joe!)

To: <>
Subject: Meridian stories (don't read this Joe!)
From: "Mari L. Clements" <>
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 14:01:11 -0500
For those of you who couldn't be there (and you missed a wonderful
event--more below), a certain Team Butt Heat member who'll we'll just call
BFJoe had an interesting weekend.  You already know he won PAX top prize of
a Craftsman tool box that it took a couple of people to carry.  But that's
the least of the story!  First, he was spotted (but sadly not photographed)
driving a Neon all decked out with *Kumho* tires and stickers.  Then, he was
heard enthusing about their performance!  Finally (along with his other
prizes of the weekend), he won a *Kumho* jacket--and immediately put it
on!!!!  Maybe rooming with Kumho Sam wore off?

The event was a blast--John Thomas, Steve Volpp, Holly, and the entire
Mississippi region did an amazing job arranging things.  The event sponsors
deservedly have had their names dropped once or twice already, but Bill
Ethridge Lincoln Mercury and Peavey Electronics were terrific (and John
Thomas made us all look at the Cougar in a different way).

Finally, many, many personal thanks to
1) all the folks (most of whose names I've forgotten because panic tends to
fry my brain) who helped after Saturday's rain left a cup or more of water
in our distributor cap,
2) Cheryl who generously offered to let me drive her car on Sunday when it
wasn't clear that ours would be running on more than 2 cylinders!
3) those wonderful McKamey instructors--especially Erik, Jean, Joe, and
GH--o.k., maybe I don't suck after all ( :
4) lots of folks, but especially Randy Chase, Andy McKee, and Sam Strano for
helpful tips in setting up the car (yes, we're changing the stock bar this

Mari L. Clements, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
Penn State University
442 Moore or 160 USB 1
University Park, PA 16802-3104
fax (814)863-7002

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