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Meridian Tour

To: "" <>
Subject: Meridian Tour
From: "Phillip S. Osborne" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 20:14:59 -0500
Just a note to advise anyone who could not make it to Meridian this past
weekend, you should put it on your calendar for next year.  While you are at
it, give yourself a swift kick in the pants for not making this one.  You
missed a super event!  From great southern hospitality, to a fast,
challenging course, a spacious site, and an entertaining party, complete
with valuable give-a-ways, this event rocked!  Thanks John Thomas and all
the fine folks in Meridian for a great weekend of fun and entertainment.
The only visible flaw during the entire weekend was the Saturday downpour, a
factor most certainly beyond control of the event organizers.

We in Texas Region look forward to seeing all of you at Texas Motor Speedway
April 9,10, and 11 for the Texas Tour event.

Phil Osborne
"It's never too late to have a happy childhood!"

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