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Thanks to Gulf Coast Autocrossers!!

To: "Team.Net" <>
Subject: Thanks to Gulf Coast Autocrossers!!
From: Michael King <>
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 13:52:14 +0000
I just thought I would drop a line to let everyone know about
my experience this past weekend down in Fort Myers, FL. I finally, after
many years of wanting to, made it down to one of Gulf Coast
Autocrosser's events. This is the same club hosting the Pro this next
weekend. All I can say is that Dave Hutter and his club put on a great
show! The event was well run, great course design, and just the
hospitality alone was worth the 4 1/2 hour drive. Everyone was so
helpful. It's great to see club members put in so much effort, and it
really pays off and shows.
The course was over a mile long, well laid out, time being in the mid
70's to mid 80's, that's with bouncing off the limiter in 2nd for about
half the course. What else can I say? How about free lunch both days!!!
All prepared by Dave himself. Hot dogs, hamburgers, chili!

All I have to say is thanks to all in the GCA group that puts on the
events! First class operation in all respects! Looking forward to this

Mike King
Buccaneer Region
97 ACR Coupe-White

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  • Thanks to Gulf Coast Autocrossers!!, Michael King <=