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Re: That 1,000 number again...

To: Joshua Hadler <>
Subject: Re: That 1,000 number again...
From: Matt Murray <>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 20:40:12 -0500
SCAC or the SEB can override the 1k rule. Given the recent... issues... in that
regard, you will need have a very strong case for the ruling.

Joshua Hadler wrote:

> Hi all,
>        I don't wish to dredge up the dreaded "R" debate again, but would like
> to opinions on this. I have a friend who is interested in getting a
> somewhat unusual car would likely fall into favorable classing and was
> 0made over a 7 year run. However, because it is not specifically classed,
> the 1,000 over a model year rule comes into play. Over the 7 year span
> there were over 3,000 of them made, and in one particular year there
> were over 1,000  made. However, not all of those thousand were in the US
> market, a percentage were for the canadian market. If those Canadian
> models are discounted, then it falls just short of the 1,000 number.
>         So my question, do models made for North America (Canada + USA) count
> in the 1,000 rule? Or is it strictly USA?
> -Josh2

Matt Murray

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