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Re: Mirrors & Batteries

To: Richard Pilfold <>
Subject: Re: Mirrors & Batteries
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 15:47:22 -0800
Richard Pilfold wrote:

> Anyway this all got me to reading the 1999 Rules and I came
> upon 14.9B "The make, model number and size of battery may
> be changed but not its voltage" ----No mention of weight!! Does
> this mean the new battery must weigh the same as the OEM
> battery, and I can't lay a neat little 20lb. Varley on its side
> behind the seats?

I keep forgetting to get a new rule book (someone please remind me at a
local event!!). Does the 99 book refer to amps/capacity for the battery?

If not, then it appears that the Optima/Black Panthers are an option,

Randy Chase
'91 MR2 CS

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