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Re: Thank God for CP was The End of rearview

Subject: Re: Thank God for CP was The End of rearview
From: Tommy Regan <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 13:43:58 -0800 (PST)
AMEN, Brother Sandberg!!

CP 16 wrote:
> This is exactly the reason that CP exists, so that people can race 
> and have fun and avoid all the pointless BS that goes on, rules or 
> not.  If someone protests a rearview mirror it's time to do something
> else, for all traces of sportsmanship are gone..... IMHO of course.
> God Bless CP where men are men and Roger and his sheep are really
> frightened. 
> Tracy Sandberg
> Sly Fox Racing

Tommy Regan
'87 Mustang CP #16
Austin, Texas

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